Creating A Platform For Your Affiliate Marketing Business

Creating A Platform For Your Affiliate Marketing Business

You need to create a platform from which to run your affiliate marketing business. It’s like setting up an office in real life where people find you to do business. This platform is your personal website; it is like your office; as I wrote above, you want it to be presentable and to represent yourself and your business honestly. The best place to start is a blog, and there are many ways to start one. If you start with little or no money (I understand because I have been there), you can try to start with Blogger; this is a great blogging platform controlled by Google that gives you access to your blog, completely controlled by you. And it gives you the freedom to earn money through the AdSense program and whatever affiliate program you choose. If you choose to have a website blog controlled by a blogger, your website name will look like Another good platform to start with is called HubPages. They also allow you to start your blog, give you access and freedom to showcase your talent and products, and the freedom to earn money on AdSense, Amazon, and eBay. HubPages gives you a domain name that looks like; it’s your unique URL, it’s your website. If you become popular with HubPages, your income will grow over time.

You can start bigger and more professional if you can afford to spend some money. In fact, it is better to start with your domain name,  like; you can use other extensions, .org, .co, .za, etc. Since you are promoting products as an affiliate, it is good to start a blog with a WordPress platform as it is easy to update and very search engine friendly. Your budget for this website (or virtual office) is as follows: you need a domain name that will cost you around $ 15 a year, a web hosting account that will cost you around $ 7 a month. You can buy your domain name at any domain registrar on the Internet; the same goes for your web hosting area.

The reason you need a blogging platform is so you can use it to write articles, reports, and reviews of your products to educate people on what you sell. The more you write about your products, the more authentic they will become online. If you study and learn more about each product and honestly write educational articles about it, you will become one of the experts in that niche, and people will be able to buy the products that you trust because they trust you. Many people make one mistake: they start their blogs with obvious ads, and many readers may never come back when they find that your website is only interested in making money from ads. Start your blogs with interesting articles, make your blog post talk about your personal experiences, make it happen, something that people can relate to. Don’t worry if you’re not ready to write; you can still blog in your chosen niche. They do this by getting free articles from article directories like, but the condition is that you must include the author’s resource box in the mail. If you don’t want the author’s resource box on your website, you will have to hire people to write articles for you.