How to Stop Wasting Time on Social Media

5 Tips to Stop Wasting Time on social media

If you are looking to grow your business, you want more people to understand it and establish contact with you. So, you start using social media because now everyone else seems to be using it. Then you heard that you need to be on Facebook, Twitter, Linked In, Pinterest, Instagram, and the list is still growing. Social media marketing can quickly become overwhelming. So, what are you doing? Please read it carefully to discover the answer. 

So how can you expand your network, build your profile and increase your visibility without wasting valuable business time on various social networks? 

So maybe before you start, you are scared, and you don’t want to waste time. Or maybe you tried a while but didn’t get much success. Or you get along well and have success in promoting your business. But all in all: are you doing the right thing at the right time, or will it be a waste of time and energy in the long run?

Step 1: Connect and Interact with the Right People on social media. 

Every social media network has millions of users, so it’s easy to focus on “vanity indicators” and take the time to get the most followers and fans for your business. However, unless you get in touch with the right prospects and partners, these numbers are meaningless. 

For example, if you are a coach and have connections with many other coaches, you will have a good conversation about coaching skills and practice, but no one will attract new clients. When you meet small business owners who talk about business overload or stress, the more likely you are to attract them to become your customers or recommend you to them. 

 To find the right people on social networks, you must be very clear who these people are: where do they live? What do you do? What are you talking about? Are you male or female? What other interests do they have? Understanding your customer profile in detail is a very important step in planning your marketing (whether online or offline). 

Step 2: Balance between social media and marketing for a convincing combination of content. 

Social media marketing is about social interaction, interacting with other users and marketing, i. e. to promote your company, your products and offers. If you spend too much on one thing or the other, your equilibrium will be broken, and you will spend too much time on social interaction and entertainment. Of course, this is not wrong, but this is usually not the goal you set for your business marketing. 

Or your social network is full of marketing messages, by selling your things to others without any commitment or personal contact. No one just wants to get a series of blog posts and specials on their Twitter profile, so finding this balance is important. 

Step 3: Less is more; you don’t have to be on all social media networks at the same time. 

It is better to start with one or two social media channels and do well rather than adapt to all social media networks and end in failure. As a social media manager, I also follow the development of different networks and spend my professional development time on learning and improving the skills of each social network. 

But this is my business. If I am not familiar with social media marketing, I cannot effectively advise my clients. 

Your business as a coach or consultant is different. It would be inconvenient to waste a few hours a week to understand what is happening in the world of social media and keep up with the latest developments in endless social networks. 

So don’t feel sad because you are not everywhere. Choose what you like and where your ideal customers are, whether it’s Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, or LinkedIn, and get started. Once you get used to one or two and see some initial success, add more social media networks to your practice. 

Step 4: Use Marketing Tools Effectively to Save Time and Track Your Efforts. 

Has many digital marketing tools that allow you to automatically send messages, take pictures online, track and analyze results. 

Same advice here too, you don’t have to set up 10 more tools to be successful on social media. Yes, it helps to gain insight into statistics and find the methods and times that are really effective on a deeper level, but it doesn’t help if you start or work on your own. 

The minimum you need is the network’s own integrated analysis tools (Facebook Insights, Twitter or LinkedIn analysis) as well as Google Analytics, which can not only track the conversion of your website but also give you a good understanding of other than social media Aside from marketing, it also works for your website. 

Step 5: Have fun and stay true to your message and branding. 

If you use social media to promote your business, you are your brand. Hence, whatever you say, you need to represent your brand’s voice and personality. 

If your brand is professional and reputable, your message must follow suit. If your brand is interesting and weird, don’t be afraid to show that side of your personality. 

When you do business as a sole proprietorship, prospects will connect not only with your company as a service to hire but also with you as the person providing that service to them. If they are looking for a coach and are interested in the content of your “marketing” message on social media, they will still be looking for the right contact with you.

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