7 Tips for Networking at Local Events

7 Tips for Networking at Local Events

One of the strategies I lived to get a marketing advantage is connecting and attractive with entrepreneurs on LinkedIn. Involuntary in the network groups where potential customers are coming out in my niche market. This process has landed some potential customers and a couple of customers, one of which I have developed a long-term relationship. Taking the idea of a step forward, I decided to participate in a local network event.

As a company owner who was persecuting behind my keyboard for years, I soon understood that if I wanted to grow my business, I needed to go behind my computer screen and do more nets even if it meant that you find it. The creation of networks concerns the creation of connections that are mutually and advantageous in the growth of your business, I knew, but I was not using this information to grow my business. We will face it, we live at a time to share information, and this is the advantage of being part of a network.

I collected 7 tips for entrepreneurs who open up with the thought of networking in events. You know, go out in the corners to local events.

1. Be faithful to yourself

This simply means that you don’t try to be another person, be faithful to yourself. You must know your potential to be present; otherwise, going to a networking event will be useless for you. Also, you are the best person to represent you; no one else qualifies. No one can represent you better than you. This means that if you are on the road and you know who is, you know your brand and want to start marketing, networking is the next step. As you started establishing networks, you could enjoy the experience. My instincts have started to start again; we realize the same tools I had accustomed to establishing people before the Internet has become that our medication of choice was clear again. Before the Internet started to take off, at the beginning of 200, it was the queen of marketing and connection with people. So you realize that it had strength and skills they gave me more confidence. By establishing networks with others, my preference is that of a single approach. This gives me the space necessary to meet the other person and what your business is. It’s a victory for each of us, they know me, and I and I each passed the next person.

2. Plan your first impression

Carefully plan this first impression, recognizing that the first impressions are just that, and you only have the opportunity to present your best me since you want people to meet. Taking into account, you don’t need to be covered in your best dress or dress, but pretending professionally. After all, you never know who you intend to find. It appears with no less than the best version of you in each event.

3. Realize less is more

A good practice is very selective in the events in which you participate; you should take into account an ideal customer with which you want to work. Connection with small businesses and consultants was my goal, so establishing between this group of people was important. And, of course, collecting a possible customer or two during this connection. This group of people crashes in different events at the local level, i.e., usually is in any case of the meeting of the Chamber of Commerce or in some other local events where there are talking about. This is where you can find a diamond if you’re careful.

4. Get the voluntary action your time

Successful people invest their time instinctively instead of following their impulses; it is here that volunteering is another form of the network because it is possible to meet new people every day while It is offered to local events. In this way, if you are a nervous guy, you will not have to suffer from anxiety while connecting with new people. A great idea is volunteering at the event, and you can meet them as they enter the event. This place you like someone useful. This will be a test for those with which you want to connect; you are essential. Volunteering also demonstrates its social skills in real-time, see in action, and there is no doubt about its networking capabilities.

5. Do some research

Do not detect on guard; make your search on upcoming events in your area. Find out who the speakers will be; this helps you identify your reference market. Knowing what types of business you will be at events best helps you organize your strategy. This strategy allows you to spend more time with fewer people. Designed correctly, the search you made will pay very well. You can impress key goals with the knowledge of knowing who you are and why you are a perfect combination.

6. Listen

So you have the connection with those you would like to do business with, and everything is going well; you know more about yourself, you know more about your business and what challenges are correct. Make sure you focus on business professionals who know, placing reflective questions, they do it, it gives you information to develop a strategy to work with them. The creation of networks means that it evaluates the person you are talking about and shows a sincere interest in them instead of promoting yourself.

7. Follow-up

The only strategy that needs to be implemented to attract the type of customers with which to work is the follow-up. The professionals with whom you connected to the event must know about you. Studies show that we have forgotten half of what we feel within a period of 48 hours. Create your personalized tracking messages and send them an e-mail within two days, or the risk that your brilliant comments are permanently cancelled by the minds of those who appreciated you. If you’re not following, you’re not on a network. Once again, don’t wait to be contacted; get those e-mails. Stay in touch with any potential customer for future business relationships, which means working for you.


Be clear; this is not the only place to find potential customers. This was the beginning of my network plan, which took me out of my comfort zone. One of the best lessons learned from this is that you have to act. Action noted, and people are curious about you and want to meet you and your business. Most are happy to answer any questions, and I will gladly talk to your business. 

 Finally, the connection with entrepreneurs is a certain day, and you must participate in this adventure if you want it to be discovered. Yes, the Internet allows social networks through all social platforms. However, nothing exceeds the tried Ole and the real face. We need a human contact that gives us the feeling that we belong, we receive comments, one is an inspiration, and gives the courage, the strength and power to maintain the things that move in your business.

Please read our blog on Social Selling Like Crazy on LinkedIn