Things to secure your Magento 2 website

Attackers will use all kinds of inventive tricks to break into your admin panel and control your website. To eliminate the unsafety of your site, we recommend the methods to strengthen your security and avoid being a potential spot for hackers. By following the list given below, you can prevent Magento security issues. 

Check out some Magento security tips to keep your website safe from hackers:

1. Change backend URL 

Changing the website’s Admin URL is one of the techniques to keep your store admin site harder to find by wandering internet users and less alluring to hackers. Therefore, Magento 2.0 permits you to change the backend URL by configuring Magento store admins. 

2. Set a complex password 

Setting a complex password is the most effortless thing you can do to secure your Magento site. A complex password must contain numbers, a combination of upper-case and lower-case alphabets, and at least two special characters. Never use the date of births, dictionary words, or some other easy to guess words.

3. Use HTTPS/SSL for backend 

Log in your account when utilizing a public hotspot, and saving your account data over an unencrypted connection make you face the risk of being intercepted by hackers. When this circumstance occurs, you may endure losing all store data with a wrecked store website. To eliminate this risk, we recommend you require HTTPS/SSL in Magento to secure the connection. 

4. Restrict Admin Access To Only Approved IP Addresses 

If your Magento has many stores with many administrators for managing in the backend, a whitelist that concludes of approved IP Addresses should be made. Other IP addresses will be restricted from getting to the admin page. This can be accomplished using .htaccess, or you can utilize the Apache directive LocationMatch. 

5. Change Your File Permissions 

Magento 2 requires specific permissions that are different from ownership on the file system. Ownership determines who can perform activities on the file system; permissions determine what the user can do. To ensure that other clients can not mess up your files and folders, file permissions should be set when you log in to your Magento server. 

6. Eliminate Email Loopholes 

Magento gives its users a great password recovery option through the pre-configured email address. If that email ID gets hacked, your entire Magento store becomes vulnerable. You have to ensure that the email address you use for Magento is not publicly known and protected with two-factor authentication.

7. Back up your website periodically

Backups allow you to restore the website to previous versions if any malfunction or data loss arises. Possible malfunction situations may incorporate website hacking and erasure of data by hackers, website crashes, accidental deletion of files, site errors because of wrong configuration, or new extension. To return to normalcy as quickly as possible, you should have a backup plan. 

8. Use Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) 

Magento 2 platform offers a phenomenal Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) extension, which gives a layer of secrecy or a clandestine movement. It only permits trusted devices to get to Magento 2 backend by utilizing four distinct types of authenticators. 

The build-in Magento Two Factor Authentication extension allows you to upgrade your Magento admin login security by utilizing the password and a security code from your smartphone. Ensure that you only offer the code with authorized users to get to the Magento 2 admin panel.

Magento is a robust platform to sell products. It offers regular security updates and fixes. In any case, it is essential to follow the best practices in the business to make your website as robust as possible. Then, you can take steps to moderate the risks according to your website’s security and vulnerability.