Web Hosting For Business

Web-Hosting For Business

Web hosting is basically the backbone of any website. If you have an online business and web-hosting services, make sure you choose the right web host. However, here are some web-hosting basics you should know.

There are several hosting plans that business owners can choose from. However, some of the most popular plans currently in use are:

Shared Hosting

This particular plan is commonly used by small businesses and is also known as virtual hosting. Shared hosting requires your website to share its resources with other websites. One of the main reasons it is so popular with small businesses is that it is extremely cheap. Plus, you don’t have to worry about maintenance as everything is handled by the hosting company you want to work with. This means that this is the only time you need to contact the hosting company if you discover that their website is not working properly. From that moment on, it is the responsibility of the hosting company to solve the problem. While this hosting plan has several advantages, the main disadvantage is that it is not the right option for websites with a lot of inbound traffic.

VPS Hosting

VPS Hosting is especially recommended for advanced users and companies interested in installing certain software or packages that are not part of shared hosting. With VPS hosting, like shared hosting, your company website is placed on a server with other websites. However, the fundamental difference is that the number of websites per server is very small in this case. VPS hosting also offers administrator or root access to its own operating system, which is typically installed in a virtualised environment.

Reseller Hosting

This plan, generally offered by a bus web-hosting reseller, is especially intended for webmasters or those interested in reselling their own web-hosting services. This particular plan is also a great option for businesses that have multiple websites. This is because reseller hosting makes it easy for them to manage multiple websites from a single dashboard.

Dedicated Hosting

With the purchase of a dedicated server, your website gets full access to the entire server. This is because the server is not shared with any other website or resource. As a VPS, it offers full root or administrator access. This hosting plan is best for websites with a lot of visitors. It is also often chosen by companies that have custom requirements that simply cannot be met in a shared hosting environment. 

Email Hosting 

This particular web-hosting service is one that helps to run email servers. To put it simply, if your business owns a domain name and you want to purchase email services for it, you will need to hire a hosting email service. Although most web hosting companies provide this service, they only provide you with POP3 email and basic virus/spam protection. However, with a professional email hosting service, you can get a number of webmail features. These include unlimited redirects, comprehensive spam/virus protection, contact management, folder management, blacklists, mailing lists, white lists, backups, and IMAP / POP3, etc.