5 Questions to Ask Before Creating a New Website

Why do you have a website? 

Creating a website for your business is a great idea. Not having it now is risking losing a large share of the market. Because the Web is now a compelling prospecting site. Think about it! How do I purchase goods or use services? Start your search on Google or other search engines. Often! Know that your customers and prospects are doing the same. So what is invisible on the Internet is to rob customers of exciting things. 

Web Design Agency: Major Assets 

The website does not end in one day. This is time-consuming, but it also requires skill. Unlike what some platforms offer, creating a free website is not always a good idea. Many companies have websites because the simple fact of owning one is no longer an exception. The biggest challenge is to create a tangible goal and one of the strategies to achieve it. 

Therefore, supporting a web design agency is a real asset to a company trying to develop a good website, differentiating it from its competitors and becoming necessary on the Internet. Thanks to web design agencies, you can leverage the expertise of web professionals to enable effective communication and marketing strategies. 

Creating a Web Site Ask a Question Question 5 

Creating a Website is a gesture that is harmless to businesses. Even before you begin, you should carefully review them. To help you, the GNM web design agency has decided to cover 5 questions you should ask before you start your project. 

 1) What is the goal of your website? 

For an Internet website to be effective, the first thing to do is to determine its role, the purpose the Internet site serves. If so, we create an adapted and measured communication and marketing strategy to help you reach these goals efficiently. 

What goals can be attributed to a website? They are versatile and can be combined in some cases. 

  •  Selling products and services online 
  •  Raising brand awareness 
  •  Introducing my company and my products/services 
  •  Acquiring new customers 
  •  Building customer loyalty 

For these purposes, specific strategies need to be formulated. For example, if you want to retain customers, you can create a blog that regularly publishes relevant tips that will make you want to reread new customers regularly. Or you can set up a personal account system that allows customers to follow orders or identify themselves to benefit. 

2) What are the critical keywords in your business industry? 

You need to be in the right place for search engine results like Google, Bing, or Yahoo until your website is displayed. This allows you to use two solutions that generally work together. You can optimize your site with SEO and create SEA campaigns (Google Ads). In either case, you need to determine the keywords that are relevant to your industry. What is it? A keyword (or key phrase) is a set of words entered by a user into the search bar of Google, Yahoo, or Bing. This allows users to browse thousands of Internet sites that exist on the Web. You can get the most relevant answer to that query. It also provides search engines to understand your site’s content so that someone can refer to it when searching for that topic. 

But how do you determine which keywords are used on your website? 

To be in your position to find a service or product, you need to decide what you can enter in Google’s search window. 

There are tools specially made to perform this operation, some are free, and others are paid (e.g. Moz, Keyword, Answer The Public, Google Ads …). 

3) How do you proceed with the tournament? 

Another critical point is to follow the candidate level on the Web. Are you a true competitor who can’t win? Or, on the contrary, isn’t the passage so complicated? I have a question for myself. The concern of web design agencies is that they can achieve competitive research. The goal is to determine best practices and worst-case cases for your competitors and distinguish yourself from your competitors. 

Therefore, even if you are using a website design agency, it is essential to think about your own website’s competitors. But be aware and be careful not to limit yourself to your competitors. Being well-referenced as an important keyword is not what we initially think of. Therefore, broadening the competitive analysis is critical. You also need to know about companies you don’t know but are often referenced by keywords you care about, as they are also part of the companies you need to conquer.

4) How much budget do you want to spend on your website? 

You need to pay a certain amount for your website through a website agency. One of the first questions I ask myself is about budgeting. How much are you willing to pay to make a good website? Website prices vary from related website type (e-commerce, showcase site …), several pages, whether to create website content, host, host the site, etc. It depends on the data. Selected function etc. 

And what about the price difference between institutions? Which web agency asks for a bigger budget than other web agencies doing the same thing? If it sometimes happens that the price is really too high, it’s likely a quality issue. Some institutions are lowering costs, but their efficiency is also getting worse. Others are more expensive but give better results, but sometimes simply because they spend more time on the project than they are cheaper, they should still make a profit. 

5) Are you ready to join the project? 

Web Agencies even require some input, and some staff to create a Web site takes time. Why? Because there are meetings and mail exchanges, you have to spend time writing and rereading the site’s content to see whether the site’s design was in mind… and the meaning doesn’t just stop at the project. Digital innovation inevitably leads to internal changes in the company. When your website is online, you need to continue working. 

Websites with outdated information need to be updated as they do not evoke credibility and cannot be effective. You need to respond to the leads and commands that your website provides to you so that your website’s SEO is maintained optimally. 

You need to consider it continuously: I’m interested in having a blog because you need to move your homepage regularly. You can find the latest news on the homepage. If you have a blog, you need to keep short and long articles at a stable rate. To stay on top based on your competitors, you need to make a few changes to your page. Etc. 

Requires all work to implement an internal strategy and keeps the website meeting the goals previously set. 


Ignoring the Web is a significant mistake when businesses want to be as efficient as possible. The Internet is now a huge source of potential customers, and having a website risks not touching most of your target audience. You not only need to own a website, but you also need to do it effectively. Therefore, it is necessary to follow along, carefully crafted strategy to achieve a specific purpose and achieve it. 

But the website keeps the investment of time and money. Before creating or using a web design company, you should ask various questions to help you identify your project more clearly. 

Building a website is a powerful communication tool. Websites are a unique way to communicate with the world. Therefore, there are no longer any barriers to creating a website that shares your passion for music and animals, informing potential customers of your business, and selling handicrafts. Various possibilities are offered through the site. 

The Internet is an ideal medium to reach a large audience at a low cost.

The first step to realizing a site is to understand its purpose and choose a topic accordingly. Will it be a pro, recreation, or another website? Do you want to share your passion, meet people, create business networks and provide your services… It’s up to you! Having your own website opens the door to the world because it’s an easy way to meet all kinds of expectations.