Case for Digital Marketing in Healthcare

Definition of Digital Marketing 

Digital marketing is the promotion of a brand or product, or service through digital advertising in multiple formats, including a brand’s website, email, search engine optimization (SEO), social media, mobile devices, blogs, games, and apps. It is defined as and other lead generation tools. The first step for Organizations to use these devices to create an effective digital brand presence is to create a digital strategy. The digital system answers the fundamental question of how organizations engage who and how. Implementing a digital strategy gives your organization a public face, which in turn improves your ability to serve and increases your organization’s reputation. 

Digital Business Case As the statistics show healthcare organizations need to do well in digital. 

  • 72% use the Internet to find health information and services. (Pew, 2012) 
  • Half of the online health information research substitutes for others. (Pew, 2012) 
  • Browse online reviews and rankings for 1 in 5 healthcare providers and treatments of Internet users. (Pew, 2012) 
  • Caregivers are more likely to participate in a variety of health-related activities online than other Internet users. (Pew, 2012) 
  • 42% of people with disabilities searched for health information online. (Pew, 2012) 

Digital does not have a short-term trend. This is how the world is moving, as no other media can compare its ability to reach and engage with such a diverse audience. 

Overall, the digital budget continues to grow. According to DavidMoth of Econsultancy, 71% will increase their digital marketing budget (2013). Strong growth in digital spending continues, spending in 2016 reaching $4.51 billion ($4.55 billion) (eMarketer, 2012). 

Despite continued growth, many organizations today are not holding on to reality and are thus misallocating marketing costs. 

Organizations that properly allocate their marketing spend and implement a consistent digital strategy early can achieve greater long-term benefits. It is essential to start as soon as possible. As more and more organizations engage in the digital realm, spaces can become congested, requiring a greater investment of time and resources to make the same impact. Also, investing in digital early gives you the time to build your organization’s knowledge and develop habits that align with industry best practices. 

Consumers’ growing reliance on the Internet for information means that healthcare organizations can attract audiences online, significantly increasing revenues and brands. Whether clients are looking for helpful directional tips or research services, organizations can establish themselves as early leaders. Participating in the digital revolution is a process that requires time, dedication, and, most importantly, a cleverly executed plan. The importance of a solid digital plan is well known, but it has no race. It’s never too late for organizations to realize the benefits of early implementation. 

Advantages of Embracing Digital 

The reasons for employing digital are transparent. Especially for medical institutions: 

Revenue Growth:

As consumers increasingly turn to digital channels for information about important decisions, savvy marketers turn that attention into hand razors and sales. Well-managed digital marketing methods are more likely to migrate popular browsers to clients. 

More robust community relationships:

Get closer to and nurture viewers of digital residents, employees, patients and their families, leading to greater community consciousness. 


Unlike existing advertising tools, marketing can track, optimize, and improve all interactions digitally. This approach offers the best customer interaction and higher conversion rates. 

Increased brand awareness:

When asked, 94% of expected patients said that the reputation of the hospital-selected facility was important (Google, 2013). Brands can pay attention to what people are saying online about their organization. While it is impossible to completely stop negative comments, organizations can respond appropriately and reduce their impact with positive content. By engaging, they have the opportunity to do it personally and increase brand awareness. 

Reduce Operational Costs:

Compared to traditional welfare formats, digital messaging tends to be more cost-effective and helps relieve pressure on traditional means of patient acquisition.