What’s the Cost of Digital Marketing: Marketing Agency Vs Freelancer

Most companies are leveraging their external digital marketing expertise to offer inbound marketing, SEO, PPC, and social media services. In Dubai, this expertise is provided in the form of distributors or freelance personnel. Budgets are tight, and large scales are limited in difficult B2C and B2B environments. Second, how can potential customers afford Dubai’s digital marketing costs? In Dubai, hiring a digital marketing agency is the reason why it’s more affordable than you think! So far, it’s not dark and transparent to set a reasonable cost to hire a digital marketing agency in Dubai. It’s not too far to rely on intuition. Public data on service fees and fees is still difficult to grasp. 

Suppose you want to leverage your external digital marketing expertise. In that case, it can be difficult and time-consuming to get a clear picture of the average monthly person and hourly rate required for Dubai’s digital marketing. Digital Marketing Price Research Insights, A recent study by Credo, a company that connects potential customers with marketing agencies and consultants, has released the latest digital marketing prices. The survey, distributed to 184 respondents in 19 countries, provides exciting insights into current trends in digital marketing costs. Freelance consultants set prices consistently based on hourly or monthly base rates and project fees. However, the percentage of digital consultants worldwide continues to be based on years of experience. Consultants with one to three years of experience charge around $88, and consultants with ten or more years of experience charge an average of $189. 

The agent’s price is displayed on the entire map. According to research, institutions with 2-5 employees and 60 to 10 employees charge higher rates than institutions with 11 to 20 employees, on average. According to the study, the hourly range ranges from $145 to around $181. Strong agencies and consultants focused on strategy charge higher rates than consultants with a diversified portfolio of services. The cost of hiring a digital marketing agency in Dubai can sometimes be lower than expected because of the competition from freelance consultants with many clients rate table changes.

Accurately evaluate the digital marketing service you seek and use it as a starting point for negotiation overlaid with your monthly service fee in the pool of future agents. Most agencies are so clear about their cost-based target utilization that they understand how they can negotiate comfortably as a result. However, as expected by agency freelancers, there are some essential differences in pricing between freelancers and agencies. 

Freelance serves its clients with a mix of primarily hourly wages and project-based rates. Therefore, the agency preference for the monthly retainer contract is not surprising. But, ultimately, there is generally more overhead. 

Average Monthly retainer contracts for the digital marketing industry start at $ 1,000 and reach up to $ 5,000. The larger the agency, the more services it generally offers under one umbrella. If you are looking for a mixed digital marketing service, hiring an agency reduces the coordination you have to perform as a client. The higher the agent, the higher the average price per customer required to cover that expertise and talent, as the solutions typically offered are customized. Best Clients Many small businesses feel they are at a disadvantage in negotiating with their distributors because of their small size compared to larger clients. However, in many cases, it is the best client from the point of view of a small business institution. 

The reality is that digital advertising as an industry in Dubai is still a relatively immature market, and most agencies lack the corporate expertise and infrastructure to serve corporate-sized clients. 

Small businesses thus provide their distributors with a reliable source of revenue for bread and butter without the complexity and high service costs of large multinational clients. So, for small businesses, don’t be shy to negotiate with an agent. They need clients like you. Another reason why the cost of hiring a digital marketing agency in Dubai may be lower than you expected! Demand agency services Even if digital marketing services are plentiful, SEO and PPC services are still the primary sources of income for most agencies. The top 5 services that clients require are SEO PPC Management Social Media Content Marketing Analytics and UX.

Analytics and User Experience (UX) are skyrocketing in popularity as it turns out that attracting and retaining customers is essential. This recognition is reflected in the expanding footprint in the portfolio of digital marketing services that clients are demanding of their resellers. 

This is good news for the industry as a whole, but it represents a more controlled and structured approach to digital advertising in the Middle East. It also marks the continued awareness of business owners and marketers of the need to introduce appropriate analytics capabilities in-house. 

As well as securing an engaging user experience at the start of a digital marketing business goes a long way in supporting consumer acceptance of online marketing, especially as local internet users become more experienced and online UX expectations are rising.

Check out the growth opportunities for your business today! With a 30-minute free marketing evaluation, you can reduce costs and grow your business. Subscribe now and get a 30-minute free marketing rating! 


Good news if you are in the process of hiring a marketing agency. In Dubai, the cost of hiring a digital marketing agency can be lower than expected, and different pricing structures and models are available. 

Many institutions use the same price model combination as monthly, regular project milestone prices, new or more complex work time prices for standard services. Discuss with your potential distributor what pricing model is best for you.