Google+ Marketing Strategy

Google+ Marketing Strategy

Google+ (or G +) has been quite late to join the social media marketing game, so many small business owners see it again with suspicion in case or if they don’t commit themselves? Is it worth spending extra time in social networking marketing, adding another tool to manage? According to the 2014 Social Media Examiner report, while 54% of suppliers use Google+, 65% would like more information on it and 61% of the rising plan in Google+ activities in 2014. 

But Google is not just Another social network site; it works like a social glue that combines the Internet. Read on to find out if it’s worth marketing! 

In February 2014, G + already had 359 million active users, occupies 65% of the business personal/research results, is linked to Gmail, which has more than 4 million users, and is also linked to YouTube, which has 800 million. Visitors a month and Google Mobile offers over 1 million Android devices a day.  

Google+ is integrated into all the products and applications of Google: Google search, Gmail, Google Apps, YouTube, Android, Google Play Store, Google Translate, Google Drive, Analytics, AdWords, Maps, Places, Webmaster Tools, Google Much of more. If you use Google Tools for your company, in fact, it is quite difficult to avoid creating a Google+ profile in the process for user identity. 

However, as we all know, they have a profile on social networks and actually use it effectively for marketing are two different things. And what else, with Google+, can have not only a personal profile but also a company page a bit like Facebook. 

So let’s look because and how you can use Google+ as part of your digital marketing strategy.

Google+ Benefits for business marketing: 

  • There is a growing, growing community with increasing users who are brought on board. However, right now, it is not so busy or difficult to promote like Facebook (especially with its new algorithm). 
  • It has an internal and robotics medium (image and video) environment, so its content can be viewed visually and highlight more. 
  • Google / Service Integration Products You can access everything with your only Google+ account. 
  • With the changing standards of SEO profiles, publications and communities are indexed and looking, so its activity on Google+ directly impacts the results of its SEO.

Google qualifies your publications based on the interactions they receive. These can arrive in 4 different ways: 

  • +1 ‘ing to polo (similar to Facebook as) 
  • Commenting a post 
  • Re-sharing a post 
  • Add some to the circles (the circles are similar to the Twitter listings; you can create the number as you like and organize your contacts in a way that helps you participate and interact more effectively). 

more interaction = more trust = higher research rankings for that interaction. 

If you are new to Google+ and you are not sure how to start and what different menu options mean.

Google+ marketing strategy 

1. Improve your local SEO results 

Google+ local pages are replacing the old Google local business lists, so you will have to claim the real profiles for your company and unite them. Add all the necessary information in which your customers will be interested: How to contact you, address, opening hours, check your website, add other social networks, add images to show your products and services, write a description, including the terms and key search keywords. Link from your website to your local page and your personal profile (As an author, see below) 

2. Link your Google+ profile on your blog 

It confirms that you are the author of your blog in Google’s eyes and connects the two. This will receive your photo and G + to view your blog search results next to the results. If you have a WordPress blog, you can easily connect them using one of the add-ons (such as Yoast SEO) or through its thematic configuration. More technical information on how to find Google Authorship works here. 

3. Integrate Google+ to your website

The website makes sure you have your local listings and the added profile to the site and that your site is verified with all the Google services you will use (including YouTube). Add your logo or profile G + to the website and shows an +1 option for your publications and pages. In this way, other Google+ users can share their content with their followers for you. More interaction for your links = more trust in SEO. 

4. Use Hangouts on Air to connect and build your brand.

With the brand with updated and improved gaps, you can connect with your customers, promote your products and services, run your web seminars and team meetings free. And then, you can share videos automatically to YouTube, which further increases its scope. You can offer people your knowledge, knowledge, solutions or exclusive access to content and will be recorded in meeting places, cultivating your Google+ circle and expanding its influence. A normal webcast calendar is a good platform to announce launches, discounts, promotional events, sales, etc. 

5. The network actually with the correct followers using circles. 

Circles are a great tool to organize their connections and follower on Google+. Circles help segment connections to the lists of interest or pipes and, subsequently, the quota only relevant content for this particular circle. You can also see what only those in a particular category share, which facilitates commenting and participating with its content. You may find that you get involved with some of your circles more frequently than others, depending on users. To find people who are worth connecting to, you can use Google and Ruffle Search Function.

6. Share interesting and convincing content.

As with any marketing channel, you will want to share relevant, interesting and timely content for your followers. Although it is not possible to share publications directly to Google+, you can use a third tool like buffer or Hootsuite to plan your updates. When you publish updates, you can label other users and use hashtags (similar to Twitter again). The visual content is usually more attractive than the text, but try the different options to find out what really works for your audience. You can even publish miniblog there as if, unlike Twitter or Facebook, there is no character limit for your publications. 

7. Participate and interact with your audience 

To grow your community and get new potential business customers, it is not simply enough publishing and publishing content on your brand. You have to connect and interact with your follower as you would do in any other social networking channel. You can do it in different ways: mentioning others in messages (for example, if you want to give credit or connect a case study to your company); Respond to any comment you receive in your publications; Use the circles on the segment and simplify the care of the contents by the following comments, share and +1 your publications; Keep an eye on the “trend” arguments and join when you can; Join relevant and empty business communities and participates in other direct users there.  

Finally, don’t forget to measure your success by comparing the results to your marketing goals. You can track a little with Google Analytics only, and to get more advanced information about your Google+ efforts, you can use third-party sites like all my statistics, simply measurements, circles counting and information on Google’s business for your page.

Read our blog on Facebook Pages Or Facebook Groups For Your Business