How to Use Twitter Ads to Promote Your Business

How to Use Twitter Ads to Promote Your Business

With the growth of Twitter in recent years, it is becoming increasingly difficult to stay on your followers’ timelines long enough for them to take notice of your tweets. With more than 500 million users sending more than 400 million tweets every day, you may feel like your messages are a needle in a haystack. How do you get more visibility for your account? One way to promote your business is through Twitter ads. Read on to see how to use Twitter ads and what to expect! 

Businesses can use local or national events that are happening now and that are relevant to their audience to promote products before, during and after the event. All sizes of brands and companies can join the entertainment to highlight your product or service. Twitter users talk about the same things over and over and follow the same predictable patterns when they talk on Twitter. With this information in mind, you can run Twitter ads that deliver the right content at the most convenient time.

With Twitter Ads you can use:

  • Sponsored Account, 
  • Sponsored Tweet, 
  • Sponsored Trending. 

On desktop computers, all three forms of advertising are displayed on the screen, but more importantly, with 80% using mobile devices to access Twitter in the UK, both the advertised account and the tweet appear on the moving timeline. From this account or promoted tweet, users can click the button on the right side of the action to follow up. The sponsored trend is displayed on the Explore tab. 

Who sees your Twitter ads?  

Twitter offers you the following targeting options:

  • followers, users who already follow you,
  • similar target users that are similar to your followers,
  • interests based on user interests  generated from your tweets and followers,
  • keywords that users speak or search for words and hashtags used by them 
  • target location  by country, 
  • region or metropolitan area 
  • device segment by device or platform 
  • genre and to talk about specific TV shows. 

So if you have already built a large following on Twitter, you can use Twitter Ads to make sure your followers are aware of a specific message (advertisement, new product, event, webinar) that you are offering. . If you want to grow your audience first, you can target specific users on Twitter based on your ideal customer description – location, gender, interests, who else they follow and like, what they watch and talk about, etc.  

You can address the following steps in the marketing process with Twitter Ads: 

  • Increase awareness of your product or brand 
  • Get more targeted followers 
  • Drive more engagement for your messages 
  • Research which direct response messages and texts are best received by your followers, 
  • Increase website traffic, 
  • Generate new subscriptions for your email list, 
  • Convert these visitors and list subscriptions into purchases of your products and services.

How can you advertise on Twitter? 

I previously published a post on Lead Generation Cards that shows you how to set up an account to use Twitter Ads. 

Once you have set up your account, you can use the following tools in your advertising campaign:

  • Sponsored Accounts to get more followers on Twitter and let people  know about you, 
  • Lead Generation Cards for your email database to help build, 
  • TV  targeting conversations for target users who watch relevant shows, 
  • Personalized audience retargeting contacts and prospects from your visitor email list to your website, 

Sponsored accounts on the timeline, 

  • Sponsored accounts Help you build an audience with every tweet sent, 
  • Ads on mobile and home timelines alongside a tweet, 
  • Put a company or brand in front of people and give them a reason to follow, 
  • You can use a button to click to follow, but users can also reply and retweet what they won ‘Don’t bill me that much.
  • Mind the engagement with your posts and your number of followers. 

 Promoted Lead Gen Card Tweets, 

  • A card is an image, video, or other rich media that runs alongside a tweet, 
  • Interested users give you their email address with a simple  click, 
  • The card can be mobile leads directly to specific sites. landing pages, 
  • Can be integrated into an existing CRM (Mailchimp, Salesforce, Infusionsoft, etc.) to capture leads and send automatic follow-up messages. 

For complete information on setting up and using lead generation cards, read this post and watch a video tutorial. 

Is it working? Track with online conversion tracking. 

  •  Tracking allows you to follow the results of ad campaigns on Twitter, 
  •  Reports provide a complete overview of conversions, 
  •  Use statistics to optimize campaigns for more effective conversions. 

Online Conversion Tracking can show you how and if someone buys your product after seeing your ad. Here’s how you can modify ad campaigns to increase sales. Additionally, you can track conversions for the email list options, webinar registrations, social media sharing, and blog comments based on your campaign goal. Based on the available statistics, you can decide which tweets and cards perform better than others and eliminate the ones that don’t get enough response.

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