Virtual Offshore Development Centre (VODC)

Why choose Virtual Offshore Development Centre (VODC) for your business?

Are you stressed over setting up an office, recruiting resources, supervising, and keeping up work and cost? A virtual 24-hour office can assist with driving your activities, support it and help you with focusing on core competency zones.

Offshore Development Center has the capability and capacity to deliver reliable, top-notch solutions for all segments fundamental for an ideal offshore development providing programmers and developers through Virtual Offshore Development Center (VODC) services.

What is Virtual Offshore Development Centre (VODC)?

VODC is a unique customer engagement model that puts the customer into the shoes of the proprietor of an ‘Offshore Development/Development/Captive Center’ without actually having established/owning the same in the Offshore Jurisdictions.

The traditional outsourcing model (Process-Centric Outsourcing) has been changed into the “Virtual Offshore Development/Captive Center” for customers to empower them to retain control over procedure/project management and robust governance other than substantial cost savings. This Engagement Model embodies all the advantages of ‘Offshore Development/Captive Center’ as well as customary ‘third party outsourcing’ without experiencing the dangers of setting up its element in offshore jurisdictions. In addition, this model ensures more excellent strategic value and builds up long-term strategic customer relationships through active collaboration with the customer. In short, this model is a collaborative partnership model than a vendor model. This model is a modified version of the “Co-managed Outsourcing model/Co-sourcing model.”

Here are a few points on why to choose Virtual Offshore Development Centre for your business.

  • World-class Development Infrastructure
  • Established Project Management Methodologies
  • Adequate Communication Team
  • Risk Management and Information Security Processes
  • Progressive HR Practices


World-class Development Infrastructure
  • Modular workstations with fast computers on a high-speed switched network
  • Library and Internet access for research and learning
  • IBM-powered Windows and Linux servers for internal development
Established Project Management Methodologies

Adhesion to SDLC – Requirements, Prototype, Coding, Testing, Release

Quality Management Systems

Project Management software for planning, allocating tasks and monitor the progress

Ethical Documentation standards for source code, user manual, and system manual

Dedicated Testing and Quality assurance team

Periodic progress reports to clients and clear growth guidelines for handling of issues


Adequate Communication Facilities to Ensure Smooth Offshore Delivery
  • VoIP and teleconference facilities
  • 24 x 7 email and Skype chat and Internet access over high-speed broadband connections


Risk Management and Information Security Processes

  • Well-laid out intellectual property methods
  • User login-based access for retrieval of source files and data storage
  • Access control, anti-virus, Firewall, and periodic data backup systems
  • Generator and UPS facility for Power backup


Progressive HR Practices that Support Team to Deliver Best-in-Class Results
  • On-demand work-shift to give you the benefit of working in your time-zone
  • Regular Management Review Meetings to ensure constant improvement
  • Regular training & development programs and periodic performance appraisals


How Does VODC Benefit You?
  • Cost-saving
  • Reduction in hiring, training, and infrastructure costs
  • Access to the well-trained and highly skilled workforce
  • Flexible and round-the-clock operation hours, including overlap for your time-zone


Technology Skills
  • Engagement Models
  • Ramp-up or Ramp-down offshore capacity according to the business demand
  • You can select from any of the following software outsourcing models
  • We recommend the value-for-money model – Virtual Offshore Development Centre (VODC)
  • Fixed bid model
  • Time and materials model
  • Strategic Alliance/ Joint Venture model


Virtual Offshore Development Centre (VODC) vitally focuses on delivering high-quality services and products for its customers with full-time support. VODC provide tailored solutions with various e-business products and interactive media team. Outsourcing models allow offshore partners to prioritize their business better.